the wasp and the weather - assembly & reflection
study circles
20.10.2019, Contour 9 Biennale: “Coltan as Cotton”, nona arts centre: study circle at the occasion of the première, with the participants of the film: M’Hamed El Ouali, Samira Saleh, Mathieu Charles, Abdelhay Ben Abdellah, Mirra Markhaeva, Elli Vassalou, Hooman Jalidi, Mohamed Tawfiq, Fatma Alomrani and Muhned Bnana.
27.2.2020, Z-Files #26, ‘t Klooster, Rotterdam, commissioned by Sculpture International Rotterdam, CBK Rotterdam and BKOR, curated by Maziar Afrassiabi: film screening and study circle with M’Hamed El Ouali, Norah Karrouche, Zaïre Krieger, Zoe Cocchia, Ibrahim Alaoui, Carina Fernandes and Demy Koetsier.